Meliora's Medieval Miscellany

Meliora in 14th Century Cotehardie at 12th Night '99

Greetings, good gentles, I hope this missive doth find you safe within the walls of your keep and listening to your favorite minstrel's serenade. I am Domina (Lady) Meliora Leuedai de Ardescote, a 14th century Cornish/Norman historian, bard and current Chatelaine to the Canton of Fasach Mor (Northern Detroit Suburbs) - in the Middle Kingdom of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). This scribing is by my own hand, and is devoted to all things Medieval.

Currently the Miscellany includes much for the Newcomer - you can find these links denoted by the Gold Key symbol of the Chatelaine. Other links for the general populace have a Baronial or Celtic symbol at the link:

What is this thing called the SCA? - A describing of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Choosing an SCA Persona - An method for creating a personality for the Middle Ages.

How To Behave in these Current Middle Ages - Designed for the Newcomer, this is meant to instruct gentles as to SCA customs and behavior.

Building your Medieval Inventory - Some items which Newcomers to the SCA may want to consider purchasing. (New January 15, 1999).

Attending Events - Some tips for Newcomers (New January, 2000).

What Teens Can Do - A guide to being a Teen gentle in the Midrealm (coming soon).

Sumptuary Laws of the Middle Kingdom - What you may or may not wear, by custom of the Midrealm (coming soon).

On Being a Chatelaine in the Middle Kingdom - The Middle Kingdom Chatelaine Handbook in HTML (written by Dame Alys Katharine and added here January, 2000).

Upcoming Events in the Barony of the Roaring Wastes (where I do reside):

Coronation of Their Highnesses Dag and Elayna

Henry Ford High School Demo - of which I am the autocrat!!!

Baronial Championships

Wassail - this is also our Newcomers' event

Dancer's Revolt

Twelfth Night

Places to Seek Knowledge - Links to sites belonging to various SCA groups and gentles (some corrections on January 22, 2000).

Other Places to Seek Knowledge - Links to sites Medieval (many fine sites correctly re-linked on January, 2000).

Cartography and Nautical Charts - An Historie of Mapmaking and Nautical Charting from Ancient Times until the Age of Discovery (In Progress).

An Historie of Kinge Arthur - The true story of the greate Kinge, with some links to sites related.

From Cornwall - This being devoted to all things Cornish, for those with an interest in Cornwall (in progress).

On the Wearing of Masks - An small historie of the use of masks in the Ancient world through the Renaissance period, with instructions on making simple masks from Halloween mask blanks (In Progress).

Playing with Dreidls - A short primer on the historie and use of Jewish Dreidls (In Progress).

Pleasant and Divers Pictures - Some pictures from my recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Some Pleasurable Verse - Poetry mused by myself, both period and period-esque (an new piece was added October 25, 1998).

An Alchemy Primer - A complete scribing of my alchemical knowledge, including historie, practices, and topics related. (Updated January 16, 1999).

Der Anderhaus - The service and A & S Household formed by me and Lady Gwenllyen the Minstrel. Currently, the haushalt has 10 members plus 4 children, with plans to continue growth in 2000. Need help at your event or demo??? You can find us here.

The SCA - Midrealm Club on Lycos - Like a forum on CompuServe, you can post messages, vote in polls, upload and download files and pictures, and make public or private rooms for groups, guilds, households, or anyone. It is free - all you have to do is join....

Future plans for the Miscellany include further information for the newcomer, the scribing of some historie of the 14th Century, an listing of many of my Arts & Science projects, and some small knowledge of Coreo (Korea). My devout gratitude to all gentiles whose pictures I've acquired (pirating is period).

Tric yn iach (Welsh for stay well)! 

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Member of the Midrealm Web Ring as well - and that's enough web rings for me....

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Gentles have journeyed here since January 1, 1997.

(For any interested parties, this wallpaper was created from a photo I took of a 9th/10th Century Italian marble wall at the DIA, the Celtic buttons on all pages are from Fairgrove Conjureworks, and the Celtic dog on this page and Celtic horizontal rules are from Epona Works, used with permission).

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 & 2000 C. Danielewicz - Reproduce with Signed Permission Only. Want to use some of the articles for your local publication? Send an email....